Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What I think I should get for service learning

Well what I think I should get for service learning is maybe an 4 in listening a 4 in attendance, a 3 ora 2 in reflection, a 4 or 3 in participation, 3 in preparation.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Service learning 5/19/08-5/23/08

Since we don't have service learning this week we are going to go out to the free library. We are going to the free library so we can interact with the children and to spend time with them.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

An American dream

What is the American dream? Some believe that this dream is just a way to make people work harder knowing that they wont get anywhere. The American dream is different in every race, in every culture, and in every age difference. But for George and Lennie their American dream was simple, a house on a farm. Where they would eat off the fat of the lands, have a stove and Lennie’s was to tend to the rabbit’s.

Their American dream was to have a farm well my American dream is to have a house with about five rooms and two baths. It’s to live in a place where there isn’t many killing so when I grow up and have kids it will be ok, ok for them to walk down the street. For me to have a job where I get paid a good amount to take care of my family. I would like to do this with someone or without someone. My American dream is different from everyone else’s is different because I am different.

In the book there was a different dream, Curley’s wife’s. Her dream was to become an actress. Her dream was one you had to work for but she never did. She just let men use her for what she had and what they used to get her was her dream. She was so gullible that she would fall for what any guy said. They used her dream to use her for on thing, sex. Her dream wasn’t as simple as everyone’s that you would meet it was a dreamed that people think upon but never do because they thought it was too farfetched.

Some people didn’t have an American dream of their own. Maybe they thought that if they wanted for nothing then if it didn’t happened they wouldn’t be disappointed. Well I don’t know if that’s what Slim thought but he never had a dream, or at least he never talked about it. He was like the leader in the male group, whatever he said goes. If he was like the leader then I guess he did dream something with leadership in it. I think maybe he just never tried to dream maybe he just never thought he could persue it.

In conclusion everyone has an American dream but you may not know what it is. An American dream is a wish, a hope, a thought you could maybe get something out of life. Maybe its something to wake up for each day. Its powerful and it will be the same for everyone because everyone is different, in a American dream.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What we did

What we did was get libary cards for everyone in the school that was known didnt have any. I got room 404 a 9th grade class. I will pass them out maybe today which is tuesday or tomorrow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Loneliness equal’s deaf(Grade this essay)

Imagine a place where you have no one. You’re all alone and all you wanted was a friend to talk to. You had someone but they never wanted to talk to you, they just wanted to show you off. This never got affection, so you just went somewhere else and got it. You didn’t known of the harm you were about to cause or that would be caused to you. This was the life of Curley’s wife. She had no one, she was alone. How would you feel if you were alone, and had no one to talk to?

Curley’s wife was alone in her own home. She never did anything with her husband because he never showed her any kind of affection. The only thing that they did together was that he worked out and she watched. He always wanted her to stay in the house and do nothing. He never wanted her to talk to any other guy but him. He trapped her emotional and physically, in that house. All she wanted was to talk to someone, and her husband never let her do anything. If he went out she stayed in the house, and if he worked out she got to watch him. Where is the love in that?

She tried to get affection from the guys that Curley’s father hired, but she didn’t. The guys thought that if they talked to her then they would get in trouble. Curley made it so the guys would be scared of talking to his wife. So when Curley’s wife went to go talk to the guys they said nothing but yes or no. They made her feel as if she was nothing, like her interests didn’t matter. All she wanted was to talk to someone, share her feelings, and her opinion’s with someone. But she never knew what was going to happen.

Lennie was the only one that would or could be tricked into talking to her, and that’s what she did. She talked to Lennie, she was so lonely that she would talk to a retarded person. She was that lonely that she would sit there and talk to someone that couldn’t understand or remember what she was saying. She was interested in what he liked which was soft things. She let him touch her hair which was soft in exchange to talk to someone. But what she didn’t know was that he killed things when he pet them to hard ,and that’s just what he did. She died because of her loneliness.

In conclusion Curley’s wife wasn’t asking for much but someone to talk to, since her husband never did. It could be like they say “never get to deep in the pot if you don’t know what’s in it”. That’s what she did, she got to deep in something without knowing or caring what’s going to happened. So as I asked in the beginning “How would you feel if you were alone, and had no one to talk to?”.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Service Learning

What we want to do this week is to I think go to and do something active with our service learning group. I also think we should write to more writers so we can see if we are able to get more books that we would like to read. We were having a discussion on the kinds of books we wanted with an adult and he said that the books that we read really aren't for school but thy do teach us about real life. We were saying that what we read in the books is what we are subjected to every day around our types of surrounding. But I really don't want those types of books I want like different types of books like the real libaray. I think we have enough room in out libarays.

Service Learning

What we did in service learning was help cleaning off the books and putting them up on display so we can see what books we want and what books we want to give away. We also started cleaning and throwing the books away that were old and we didn't read but we had to keep the history books because we are a history school. We also wrote to some writing seeing if they would send us some books so we can put them in our libaray What we want to do next week is to go out and do somethings about active with finding new books for the school.

Friday, April 18, 2008

The first day os service learning

On the first day of service learning we all came together in the library and we got to know each other if we didn't already know each other. We talked about the books we had and we noticed that all the books were kinda educational and students on their own time wouldn't want to read them. We choose to ask each student what kind of books they would like to see in the library. We also got some books from the library next door that we see kids with all the time and read them. We made a list of all the books that we see kids with and we seen if they were okay for school. We came up with and idea that the kids bring in a book that they think that we should get for the school let someone read it and go on from there.

What we did

Our overall goal is to try to get more students in the library more and be interested in spending more time here at lunch or on their own time. What we did in our community service club is talk about how much we wanted to get new and interesting books that the kids at out school would like. We also looked at different things we can do during school hours to help us get more interested in books. We took a group vote on which one's we should go to and we picked four. We also wanted to find a way to make the principal let us have these kids of books in our school. Overall what we really did was vote on things to make our group more functional.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

“We The People, in order to form a more perfect union”
On March 18, 2008, Obama stood and made a speech explaining both his opinions on race in our Society and also Reverend Wright’s sermons that spoke about this topic.
Obama Started off this speech by going back and telling about when our Declaration Of Independence was first written at Independence hall, which at the time off the speech stood right across the street from him. To him this Declaration was signed but still not finished. He goes on to talk about how this document contradicted our constitution, since in our constitution it states that all men are created equal, but yet the declaration still divided the colonies between the North and South.
After describing our Nations history, he then talked about his background and how he grew up, being the son of a black man from Kenya and a whit woman form Kansas, and about how he has family members from every race, and “every hue”
He then went to describing about his campaign, and how at times he was either deemed to be either “to black” or “not black enough”. And how that many people in our nation were fighting for unity still to this day. When he went to South Carolina he talked about how even to this day the Confederate flag still flies, but yet there is still unity between both black and white.
After all this he finally described his reverends sermons, as not wrong but divisive. And that at this time with two wars, a terrorist threat, a falling economy, a chronic health care crisis, and potentially devastating climate change we can not be divisive, since none of these problems are targeted to one race in particular, but targeted to all of us.

The Empire of the sun

Empire of the sun was a conflicting and heartbreaking story. It had thrill, love, and war. A young boy Jamie coming from a life of servants and fine dining he didn’t know that his life was about to change drastically. But the most important thing to the boy was family values they never changed no matter who he was around. The three reasons why I say this because one the way he was at the camp, the way he was with the boy, and the way he was with Basey.

I say the way he was with Basey because he just took to him. He listened to him as if he was his father. No matter what Basey did like stealing from him as soon as he meet him he still followed his word. He treated basey like he knew him his whole life and basey didn’t do anything for him but use him. Basey tried to sale him but no one wanted him but Jamie still treated him like family.

Anther reason I think that Jamie’s family values didn’t change because the boy over the other side of the gate. When they first meet the boys airplane was over the other side with Jamie and he loves airplanes. But no matter if the boy was the same race as the people who took over his country he still treated him like a little bother. At the end the boy go killed because of a misinterpretation of something he bet the man who killed him up.

The last reason I say this is because the way he treated everyone at the camp they put him in. He got food for people and stole things so he can feed what he treated like his family. He got food for the woman he treated like his mother. No matter if he knew she was dieing or not he didn’t leave her side. He treated the little kids as if they were blood but knowing there not.

In conclusion I think that his family values did change because of these three reason, the way he treat basey, the way he treated that little boy and the way he treated everyone at the camp. He was brave little boy going throw war and living to tell about it he living in new places with new people but one thing never changed his value of family.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What I purpose we do for service learning


1.) Help out at the library like putting books up and organizing books for them.

2.) Work at a shelter for pets and feed, clean them up and give them love and care.

3.) Help out around our community like cleaning up parks, helping out your church and doing a big brother big sister program.

4.) Teaching little kids.

5.) Working at a local store that needs help.

6.) Help out around your community by cleaning up some blocks or a disserted house.

School wide-
1.) We can do gardening again find a place to create a one for the community.

2.) We can visit the old people homes and spend time with them each week doing different things.

3.) Help out at a hospital doing small things like baking them cookies and showing that we do respect them and their work.

4.)We can visit the sick kids in the hospital and bring them toys and spend some time with them.

5.) Help out with libraries around center city

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Great Depression started with the Wall Street stock market crash of 1929 and began the worst economic crisis in the history of the United States. It had devastating effects on all sectors of the economy for over a decade. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, businesses failed and financial institutions collapsed. Wages for workers who were lucky enough to have jobs fell drastically. The unemployed stood in long lines at soup kitchens waiting for something to eat and many went hungry. The duration of the depression was too long for any community to endure such hardship. Listed below are some of the topics we have briefly addressed and will be expanded as more information becomes available.

The Great Depression had an impact on all but mostly blacks. I say this because when everyone was losing his or hers jobs left and right the race of black people got hit the hardest. The jobs that were left over for blacks were working on the fields for whites, domestic servants for white people and some worked on foundries. A small number of black people worked for railroads, steel mills, coal mines, and school boards. For what little income they had it got lower and lower so they had to live on what little they had and take care of their families.

Chapter Analysis

In this part of the book bigger is trying to get Gus to say no to the job of robbing a white person. I think he wants to get him to say no to the group because he doesn’t want to be the one who says no because e is sacred that his friends will look at him different. I think they were sacred of robbing a white man because race was still a big issue in those days and robbing a white person instead of a black person would be charted a higher crime.

In this part of the book the family wakes up to an rat in their home. Bigger tries his best to catch and kill this rat and when he does his mother said that she shouldn’t have birthed him. This means that she thinks she shouldn’t have had him at all. I think she said this because she wants Bigger to become an man and take care of his family. But Bigger doesn’t know what to do he wants to help but with his mother putting him down with everything he does it hard for him to balance his love and hate for his family.

In this part of the book Bigger is getting questioned about where Mary is or where she has gone. I like this part of the book because it shows you how they went about questioning Bigger and what they got from him. It shows how he was about to tell them that he killed her but didn’t because he eased out of it. I also like this part of the book because it kind of shows how they thought that the black man did it which still happens in theses times now.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Reflection on NHD

Reflection on NDH

The Great Depression was a time of heart ache for all. We choose this topic because it was an interesting topic that we wanted to know more about. The way we went about researching this topic was that each person got at least 20 sources. Coming together was hard but it was exciting to work together again and talk about this topic and research it.

First we just went on our own with the research at first and we each had about 15-25 sources each. We then had a group meeting were twice a week at lunch to talk about the project. We had to bring all of our research together and all together we have 50- 80 resources. Later in our process our teacher told us that are group was too large so at our group meeting we choose to separate into two groups of three.

After we did that we also decided that if we are in two groups that one us can do conflict and the other group can do compromise. We informed our teacher about our idea and he said yes if we can make it work then it would be an good idea. After that we had another meeting and split the people up and got all of our information together but put it in two different plies one conflict and compromise. Then we split the work up and took what each paper said and incorporated into our work.

Lastly we got pictures of what the Great Depression did and how it effected the poor people and their families. We made captions for the pictures. Then some of us started to put together all the information while the rest of us started to decorate the board. In the last week of NHD we got together, we all worked as one group to finish the boards. We put the paper out on the boards and then pasted it down. We ran around typing and getting all of the information for the boards. We had some difficulties with the finding some pictures on the compromise because there were so little things that expressed what we wanted to talk about during that time period. On the great depression more problems we ran into was with so many people how to take all of our ideas and combine them into a project that we can all work on together.

In conclusion we choose The Great Depression not only to learn more about the topic but to look into the eyes of people who were there and to see what it was like, how they lived in these dark times. We all incorporated some of our ideas and we found a way to use them but not messing up anyone else's idea that they came up with. Yes we had some problems but in the end we came over them together as one group. We worked in two groups and on two boards but we all helped each other as one group.

Class work


What happened after Bigger killed the rat?

After Bigger killed the rat he was told to take it out but he showed his sister and she fall out and his mother said sometimes I wonder why I even birthed you.


Who were the key characters in the second book?

The key characters in the second book are Bigger and Mary.


What questions would you ask of Mary before she died?

The questions I would ask of Mary before she died would be” Why didn’t you go to college?’ “ Did you think of black people as equal to white people?” “ Why did you keep it a secret that you didn’t go to college and go out with that boy?”


Which events could have happened if Bigger told the truth about killing Mary?

The events that could have happened if Bigger told the truth about killing Mary is that he would have went to jail which I think would have been for life because killing a white person in those days was a huge deal. I also think this because of the fact that it was still underground racism between blacks and white.


Can you see a possible solution to Bigger trying to become a man other than killing Mary?

Other possible solutions to Bigger becoming a man other than killing Mary I think is first is standing up to his fears, taking responsibility for his family and caring about the emotions of others.

I think that he could have stood on to his fears by telling his friends that he didn’t want to do the job. I think he could have told his friends this instead of putting someone else on the stop about doing the job. I also think he should have taken responsibility for his family in a better way then he did. I think he could of did this by thinking of their emotions and not just taking the job but caring. I think he could have showed this by wanting to take the job and not having his mother make him and beg him to take it.

In my conclusion for the question can you see a possible solution to Bigger trying to become a man other than killing Mary yes I do. These conclusions are standing up to his fears, taking responsibility for his family and caring about the emotions of others.


Judge the value of killing a white person in those days?

The value of killing a white person in those days I think is a very high charted crime. I think this because in those days even when slavery was over what white people thought of colored people was the same. They thought that we shouldn’t be given the chance to do things that they did.

I say that white people thought that they shouldn’t be given a chance at things that they can do because they didn’t think that we are equal. They didn’t think that we should be treated equal because of the color of our skin. So by a black person killing a white person in those days would put a black person at the top of the crime charts. They think that the killing of a white person doesn’t equal up to the killing of a black person.

In my conclusion for the question “Judge the value of killing a white person in those days” is that they doesn’t think that the killing of a white person doesn’t equal up to the killing of a black person. When you killed a white person in those days it was a crime of the highest standard.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Why? (poem)


Why do I like you?

Why do I know you have someone but don’t care?

I feel as though I want to try to get you when I could have had you before she did

Why do I try to hide the fact that I like you?

Why do I think I’m not good enough for you?

Why do I like you so much but am afaird to tell you, to show it to let even a hint of it out?

What is it about you that makes me want to give it all up just to have you?

Why do I think about you all day for no reason,

You got me day dreaming all the time but your in love with her

Well her isn’t me

Im afaird that Im falling in love with someone that Im not even sure likes me back

Why do you have to do what you do to make me crazy for you

Why when I meet you, you got me listening to love songs so much more

Day in day out your all I think about

All I have to say is Why just why am I in love with you…….


Friday, February 1, 2008


unmoved by persuasion, pity, or tender feelings; stubborn; unyielding

Synonym: hard, obstinate, callous, unbending, inflexible

Antonym: soft, tractable

Sentence: Me and my sister are obdurate to what my brother says all the time.


position of anything surrounded by other things or parts, or occurring in the middle of a period of time, course of action.

Synonym: thick, core, heart

Antonym: edge, periphery

Sentence: Wongel is in the midst’s of fly kicking in gym class.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

geometry project


What is in hair dye and how can it affect YOUR hair?

Jenay Smith, Chanei Moe, Michell’e Long, Jahmilla Muse


The purpose of this experiment is to distinguish between the damage caused by three different hair colors. The experiments involved dyeing hair with three different colors and looking at the hair before and after to see if there was any damage. The results show that the blond dye caused more damage on the hair. There was more bleach in the blond hair dye and that is what caused more damage to the hair. These findings led us to believe that the more bleach in your hair dye will cause the most damage to hair.


Does the difference in the chemistry of hair dyes by color affect hair follicles differently?


The difference in the chemistry of hair dyes by color does affect hair follicles differently. The lighter the hair dye the more damage.


-3 different hair dye color tubes

1. 92 light beige blonde chardonnay

2. 10 black licorice

3. 630 light golden brown

-3 pre-packaged developer cremes

-3 pairs of latex gloves

-6 spoons

-8 styro-foam bowls

-6 coffee filters


-Binocular microscope

-Light microscope

-Science goggles

-2 different samples of hair


1. Put on gloves

2. Twist off each applicator tip of the developer cream bottles and remove caps

3. Pierce the colorant tubes

4. Squeeze the each tube contents in the indicated developer bottle and replace caps

5. Place sample 1 hair into 4 Styrofoam bowls

6. Apply each dye color to the separated sample 1 hair

7. Let set for 25 minutes

8. Follow steps 6&7 for sample hair 2

9. Using coffee filters carefully rinse all of the hair dye with warm water

10. Let hair samples dry for 24-48 hours

11. Using both microscopes inspect each of the hair samples1&2 both dyed and un-dyed

12. Record data


Dye Type Sample 1 Sample 2
92 Light beige blonde chardonnay
Very bad damage Very bad damage
10 Black licorice No damage Very little damage
630 Light golden brown Very little damage Damage


Both sample 1&2 with blonde the damage was very bad; there were more splits on the hair then on the original un-dyed hair. When sample 1 was dyed black there was no damage at all and was basically the same as the un-dyed hair. Sample 2 black dyed hair showed very little damage but was enough to be seen. Sample 1 black had no damage and was the same as the original. Sample 2 golden brown had some damage that was visible. Sample 2 golden brown had very little damage that could be seen with the light microscope.


The hypothesis was correct. The observation shows that the blond hair dye caused the most damage. Brown hair dye caused hair damage but, blond hair dye caused split ends and the hair is weaker. The cause of the damage from lightening hair using hair dye is bleach. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most common lightening agents (bleaches). The peroxide is used in an alkaline solution, which opens the hair shaft to allow the peroxide to react with the melanin. The bleach reacts with the melanin in hair, removing the color in an irreversible chemical reaction. The bleach oxidizes the melanin molecule. The melanin is still present, but the oxidized molecule is colorless. However, bleached hair tends to have a pale yellow tint. The yellow color is the natural color of keratin, the structural protein in hair. Also, bleach reacts more readily with the dark eumelanin pigment than with the phaeomelanin, so some gold or red residual color may remain after lightening.

During the experiment hair dye could have been mixed together, another substance could of gotten in to the individual hair dye, the hair could have been wet when we looked at it, or we altogether could have not dyed the hair. Those are different ways the experiment could have been altered.

1.)http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/2001/E/200115621.html:University of Southern California;January 2001. This paper helped us to understand that different kinds of hair dye can effect you in different ways but it depends on how you do it and how long you have been dye your hair.
2.)http://ojas.ucok.edu/02/papers/Souza02.htm:Staci Souza. Staci Souza's research paper on hair dye and its effects opened our eyes to the effect of UVB irradiation on human hair tensile strength.Which means that ultraviolet rays can penetrate into the cortex and disturb the hair cortex’s fiber-like cells that give the hair its elasticity and strength, as well as damage the color and burn the hair cuticle.
3.)http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T99-49XWG3W-3&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=c3e001226d8e2726f0610f302df20f47:Tom Mieczkowski;Department of Criminology, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33602, USA
Received 5 March 2003; accepted 13 June 2003. ; Available online 4 November 2003. This helps us find the potential color effect on natural colored hair and the various drugs in hair dye that abuse natural hair colors the nutural haira strength.
4.)http://www.fbi.gov/hq/lab/fsc/backissu/oct2001/mzkowski.htm:Thomas M. Mieczkowski;Professor Department of Criminology
University of South Florida St. Petersburg, Florida. This paper is an analysis for drugs that can damage your natural hair and how they have become a more common method for hair dye makers to use in their dyes.
5.)http://jn.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/134/8/2053S:Katrin Busch Kschiewan,, Jürgen Zentek Franz, Josef Wortmann ,Vincent Biourge;WALTHAM International Science Symposium: Nature, Nurture, and the Case for Nutrition. This study of hair dye and different kinds of hair helps us with our project by giving us some inlightment on how our project should look like and what types of hair dye to use that is the most common dye use by women.
6.)http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/pres/jat/2003/00000027/00000008/art00002:Rollins D.E, Wilkins D.G, Krueger G.G, Augsburger M.P, Mizuno A, O'Neal C, Borges C.R, Slawson M.H;Preston Publications, Center for Human Toxicology, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah 2: Department of Dermatology, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.This paper is about he influence on drugs that are harmful to your hair that are found in dyes.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Link five


Link four


Link three


Link two


Link one


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Religion in schools

Michelle Long
Religion in schools

Religion in school in my opinion should not be in school. Now Im not saying that you shouldn't have the you're right of freedom of religion but to have many religions in school these days as we do now we shouldn't just focus on one religion. I think that if you want to teach religion then you should teach all the religions not just one thesis of how we got here than it goes into one religion I don't think its right to do that. So in my opinion we shouldn't teach just one religion, we shouldn't teach any religion.

First I say that we shouldn't teach religion in schools because of the fact that not everyone has the same religion. If they don't have the same religion then I think it would be wrong for them to have to sit in class and for them to hear that there religion there way of life is wrong. That the way they are living their life is the wrong way and to put that in theirs heads at a young age. They will start to begin to question their own religion and question their parents and what they tell them. I think this is one of the biggest problems with public schools and the way they try to put religion and class together.

Second of all I think that if you do want to teach religion in public schools then you should teach every religion then just teaching one and having some kids without the same religion feel left out and have kids mess with them every day for being different or expressing their right to be different. Teaching this in any class is wrong and is showing hate toward every different kind of person and in my opinion it is and will always be wrong.
In conclusion I think teaching something that is basically religion is wrong and will always be wrong. People come over here to get away from just one religion and to be free to live their own lives and be as one nation but how could we do that if we plan out there own life.

What I a doing for NHD

Michell’e Long

I choose The Great Depression for my NHD project because it is interesting to me it makes me want to learn more about that topic. The Great Depression is interesting to me because it has racism, the liberal political alliance of the labor unions and the imbalance between the rich and the poor. In my group there is 4 other people and we have not yet picked what type of project we are going to do